Wendel BJ, Pandiyan VP, Liu T, Jiang X, Lassoued A, Slezak E, Schleufer S, Bharadwaj P, Tuten WS, Mustafi D, Chao JR, Sabesan R. Multimodal High-Resolution Imaging in Retinitis Pigmentosa: A Comparison Between Optoretinography, Cone Density, and Visual Sensitivity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2024)
Huey J, Gupta P, Wendel B, Liu T, Bharadwaj P, Schwartz H, Kelly JP, Chang I, Chao JR, Sabesan R, Mustafi D. Genetic Reasons for Phenotypic Diversity in Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses and High-resolution Imaging as a Marker of Retinal Disease. Ophthalmology Science (2024)
Greene MJ, Boehm AE, Vanston JE, Pandiyan VP, Sabesan R, Tuten WS. Unique yellow shifts for small and brief stimuli in the central retina. Journal of Vision (2024)
Bang SP, Sabesan R, Yoon G. Effects of Neural Adaptation to Habitual Spherical Aberration on Depth of Focus. Research Square (2024)
Pandiyan VP, Schleufer S, Slezak E, Fong J, Upadhyay R, Roorda A, Ng R, Sabesan R. Characterizing cone spectral classification by optoretinography. Biomedical Optics Express (2022)
Pandiyan VP, Nguyen PT, Pugh Jr EN, Sabesan R. Human cone elongation responses can be explained by photoactivated cone opsin and membrane swelling and osmotic response to phosphate produced by RGS9-catalyzed GTPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)
Ng CJ, Sabesan R, Barbot A, Banks MS, Yoon G. Suprathreshold contrast perception is altered by long-term adaptation to habitual optical blur. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2022)
Jiang X, Liu T, Pandiyan VP, Slezak E, Sabesan R. Coarse-scale optoretinography (CoORG) with extended field-of-view for normative characterization. Biomedical Optics Express (2022)
Coates DR, Jiang X, Levi DM, Sabesan R. Cortical distance unifies the extent of parafoveal contour interactions. Journal of Vision (2022)
Veysset D, Ling T, Zhuo Y, Pandiyan VP, Sabesan R, Palanker D. Interferometric imaging of thermal expansion for temperature control in retinal laser therapy. Biomedical Optics Express (2022)
Bang SP, Aaker JD, Sabesan R, Yoon G. Improvement of neural contrast sensitivity after long-term adaptation in pseudophakic eyes. Biomedical Optics Express (2022)
Pandiyan V.P., Jiang X., Kuchenbecker J.A., Sabesan R., Reflective mirror-based line-scan adaptive optics OCT for imaging retinal structure and function. Biomed. Opt. Express 12(9), 5865-5880 (2021)
Li Z, Pandiyan VP, Maloney-Bertelli A, Jiang X, Li X, Sabesan R. Correcting intra-volume distortion for AO-OCT using 3D correlation based registration. Opt Express. 2020 Dec 7;28(25):38390-38409.
Pandiyan V.P., Maloney-Bertelli A., Kuchenbecker J.A., Boyle K.C., Ling T., Chen Z.C., Park B.H., Roorda A., Palanker D., Sabesan R. The optoretinogram reveals the primary steps of phototransduction in the living human eye. Science Advances (2020). 6(37) : eabc1124.
Boyle KC, Chen ZC, Ling T, Pandiyan VP, Kuchenbecker J, Sabesan R, Palanker D. Mechanisms of Light-Induced Deformations in Photoreceptors. Biophys J. 2020 Oct 20;119(8):1481-1488.
Pandiyan V.P., Jiang X., Maloney-Bertelli A., Kuchenbecker J.A., Sharma U., Sabesan R., High-speed adaptive optics line-scan OCT for cellular-resolution optoretinography Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 5274-5296 (2020), OSA Editor's Pick
Neitz A, Jiang X., Kuchenbecker J.A., Domdei N.,Harmening W., Yan H., Yeonan-Kim J., Patterson S., Neitz M., Neitz J., Coates D., Sabesan R., Effect of cone spectral topography on chromatic detection sensitivity J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37, A244-A254 (2020)
Jiang X., Kuchenbecker J.A., Touch P., Sabesan R., Measuring and correcting for ocular longitudinal chromatic aberration. Optica 6, 981-990 (2019)
Reiniger J., Lobecke A., Sabesan R., Bach M., Berendschot T., Harmening W. Habitual higher order aberrations affect Landolt but not Vernier acuity. Journal of Vision (2019);19 (5):11
Coates D., Levi D., Touch P., Sabesan R., Foveal crowding resolved. Scientific reports (2018) 8(1): 9177.
Schmidt B.*, Sabesan R.*, Tuten W., Roorda A., Sensations from a single M-cone depend on the activity of surrounding S-cones., Scientific reports (2018) 8(1): 8561 . *:equal contribution.
Tuten W., Harmening W., Sabesan R., Roorda A., Sincich L. Spatiochromatic interactions between individual cone photoreceptors in the human retina. Journal of Neuroscience (2017): 37(39): 9498-9509.
Sabesan, R.*, Schmidt B.*, Tuten W., Roorda A. The Elementary Representation of Spatial and Color Vision in the Human Retina, Science Advances (2016). 2(9): e1600797. *:equal contribution
Zheleznyak L., Sabesan R., Yoon G., Methods of Vision Correction , Encyclopedia of Modern Optics II, 2017
Winter S., Sabesan R., Privitera C., Tiruveedhula P., Unsbo P., Lundstrom L., Roorda A. Transverse chromatic aberration across the visual field of the human eye, Journal of Vision 2016 16(14): 9.
Privitera C., Sabesan R., Winter, S., Tiruveedhula P., Roorda A., Eye-tracking technology for real-time monitoring of transverse chromatic aberration. Optics Letters 2016, 41, 1728-1731
Sabesan R., Barbot A., Yoon G., Enhanced neural function in highly aberrated eyes following perceptual learning with adaptive optics. Vision Research 2016 132: 78-84
Sabesan R., Hofer H., Roorda A., Characterizing the Human Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic via Dynamic Photopigment Densitometry, PLoS One. 2015. 10(12): e0144891
Sincich, L. C., Sabesan, R., Tuten, W. S., Roorda, A., & Harmening, W. M. 2016. Functional Imaging of Cone Photoreceptors. In Human Color Vision (pp. 71-104). Springer International Publishing.
Sheehy C., Tiruveedhula P., Sabesan R., Roorda A. Active Eye-Tracking for an Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope, Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 2412-2423, 2015.
Hindman H., Huxlin K., Pantanelli S., Callan C, Sabesan R., Ching S., Miller B., Martin T., Yoon G., Post DSAEK Optical Changes: A Comprehensive Prospective Analysis on the Role of Ocular Wavefront Aberrations, Haze, and Corneal Thickness. Cornea 2013; 32(12):1567-77.
Zheleznyak L., Sabesan R., Yoon G. Modifying monovision to improve through-focus visual performance in presbyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2013; 54(5):3157-65.
Sabesan R., Johns L., Tomashevskaya O., Jacobs D., Rosenthal P., Yoon G. Wavefront-guided scleral lens prosthetic device for keratoconus. Optometry& Vision Science 2013; 90(4):314:23
Pantanelli S., Sabesan R., Cai X., Yoon G., Hindman H. Visual Performance With Wave Aberration Correction After Penetrating, Deep Anterior Lamellar, or Endothelial Keratoplasty. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2010; 53(8):4797-804.
Sabesan R., Yoon G. Neural compensation for long-term asymmetric optical blur to improve visual performance in keratoconic eyes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2010; 51:3835-9.
Pantanelli S., Sabesan R., Yoon G. Characterization and correction of abnormal optics in the human eye. Biomedical Optics & Medical Imaging SPIE newsroom. (2009)
Sabesan R., Yoon G. Visual performance after correcting higher order aberrations in keratoconic eyes. Journal of Vision 2009; 9:1-10.
Chen M, Sabesan R., Ahmad K, Yoon G. Correcting anterior corneal aberration and variability of lens movements in keratoconic eyes with back-surface customized soft contact lenses. Optics Letters 2007;32, 3203-3205.
Sabesan R., Ahmad K., Yoon G. Correcting highly aberrated eyes using large-stroke adaptive optics. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2007;23, 947-952.
Sabesan R., Carvalho L., Jeong T. M., Cox I. G., Williams D. R., Yoon G. Vision Improvement by correcting higher-order aberrations with customized soft contact lenses in keratoconic eyes. Optics Letters 2007, 32, 1000-1002
Boyle K.C., Chen Z.C., Ling T., Pandiyan V.P., Kuchenbecker J.A., Sabesan R., Palanker D. Mechanisms of Light-Induced Deformations in Photoreceptors. Biophysical Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2020.09.005.